Will Worthington and The Black Rainbow is available to pre order! RELEASE ON HALLOWEEEEENNNN


🌟 🤩 ⭐️ 🌠 💫 ✡️ 🌟 🤩 ⭐️ 🌈 🍍 🎹 ☠️

ALEX RIDER Meets LEMONY SNICKET for 9 + readers who love adventure, riddles, pirates, despicable villains, and pineapple madness IT WILL BE RELEASED ON HALLOWEEENNN 🎃 ****Book signing in Lyme Bay Bookshop in Lyme Regis**** (and yes, I will be wearing pineapples)

“When Will reluctantly goes to Austria on a school trip, he becomes lost in a terrifying blizzard, and finds himself returning to Austassa, the quirky, floating land where his nightmares become a reality … and everything he once trusted turns to dust. Tasked with killing The Black Rainbow, a monstrous molten-lava invention which threatens to destroy all of Austassa … and on top of this madness (including staying in a pineapple-themed hotel), he must do whatever it takes to evade the clutches of his piano-playing mastermind foster brother, Kazamir Kirrolivitch, whose biggest dream is to destroy Will … at any cost.”


I am overjoyed to say that #WillWorthingtonandTheBlackRainbow is now available to pre order from the following websites:

Waterstones: https://www.waterstones.com/…/katie-birks/9781068672408

Foyles: https://www.foyles.co.uk/…/rachel-e-brooker/9781068672408

Blackwells: https://blackwells.co.uk/…/Will…/9781068672408

Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/…/will…/1146212926

Thrift Books: https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/will-worthington-and-the-black-rainbow_rachel-e-brooker/53668575/#isbn=1068672404

Thank you for all the support and encouragement…. I’m still in a state of shock and disbelief! Dad actually filmed the moment I opened my first copy, which you can watch here: https://youtu.be/nS1idT2LbAQ?si=Acuy91T7PrTnA43O


I now have so much to do every day, and it makes me feel like a real author. I can’t reveal everything I’m doing yet, but trust me when I say, I am fighting tooth and nail to get Will out there. Watch this space. As before, please sign up to my blog if you would like to read more!

R.E. Brooker x

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