A Glimpse Behind The Golden Curtain: Author Life

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Introduction Over the years, I’ve gone through some incredible times with my book. I have cried over an unexpected compliment from the Harry Potter publisher, and been so excited about Golden Egg Academy workshops that I’ve almost forgotten how to breathe, but…. these moments are not for this entry. This purposely dusty entry is to […]

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Next Steps? Will Worthington conquers the world! (You have to dream, right?)

Journal, My Novel, Writing , , , , , , , , 0 Comment on Next Steps? Will Worthington conquers the world! (You have to dream, right?)

A lot of inspiration for Will originated from the Potter books. There's no magic, but that was a conscious decision on my part, as I feel I couldn't have brought an original twist on magic, so there's inventions and gadgets instead. The villains are key. There's a lot of darkness, and I like to think the humour matches the sparring dialogue between Ron and Hermione!

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Will Worthington and The Black Rainbow: The Cover Story

My Novel, Writing , , , , , , , , , , 0 Comment on Will Worthington and The Black Rainbow: The Cover Story

Introduction: There has been so much positive response to my Will Worthington and The Black Rainbow cover that I decided to write all about the origins for this next entry. Now, previously, I hadn’t taken any credit for anything. I had been saying it was my cover designer. It was all my cover designer, but […]

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The Writer I Came to Be: A Journey Through It All by R.E. Brooker (‘Will Worthington and The Black Rainbow’)

Journal, My Novel, Writing , , , , , , , 0 Comment on The Writer I Came to Be: A Journey Through It All by R.E. Brooker (‘Will Worthington and The Black Rainbow’)

Introduction:I had always written from a very early age. It was in my blood. It was what enchanted the little girl who used to sit and scribble for hours and hours, pouring ideas and thoughts into the pages I had before me….. At the time, I didn’t know what I was doing, but this essay […]

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The Questions of Rejections, Reflections, and Returning to Will Worthington in 2023

Journal, My Novel, Uncategorized, Writing1 Comment on The Questions of Rejections, Reflections, and Returning to Will Worthington in 2023

Over the last two years, there came many times when I thought to myself….. ‘Am I actually going to finish the first book?’ Why? I was so intent on getting it right. There is so much competition in this industry that I knew that this really was the last ‘Will Worthington and The Black Rainbow’ […]

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My Guide for Literary Agent submission by R.E. Brooker

Journal, My Novel, Writing0 Comment on My Guide for Literary Agent submission by R.E. Brooker

Introduction: Before I begin this blog post, I want to make something clear to everyone: I am not an expert when it comes to literary agents. I am new to this terrifying, exciting (and hopefully life-changing) world; a world that is fraught with overspilling questions, like ‘Who do I send my book to?’ ‘What’s the […]

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A Writer’s Life by R.E. Brooker

Journal, My Novel, Uncategorized, Writing2 Comments on A Writer’s Life by R.E. Brooker

I’m on a magical ferris-wheel.  I never want to get off. The views here are breath-taking, enchanting  Imagination’s brush painting new landscapes over hills and seas,  chapters flooded in darkness, sprinkles of tinkling laughter, and far-away places –  not for you, or me The light bends, rainbow chinks A prism of my own making  ————- […]

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Why Do I Like Cleaning? The Mysteries of a Mess-Hating Mind!

Journal, My Novel, Writing1 Comment on Why Do I Like Cleaning? The Mysteries of a Mess-Hating Mind!

I wasn’t always like this…… When I was younger, I would often leave my bedroom in a complete mess, and somehow just be able to live like that! I would – (and I remember this so vividly) step over the clothes or toys that lined the floor, they were fine there….. and then, one day, […]

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