The vintage look is under-rated, under-appreciated, and this is, understandably…. not fair! Recently, I discovered the joy of putting vintage outfits together, everything, ranging from cloches, 60s dresses, 50s jackets, and – one of my personal favourites – the traditional fur coat, (although mine are faux)
I think there’s a lot of judgement in society when it comes to wearing things that are classified as ‘out of the norm’, whether that’s what is ‘IN’ now. Pouring though the fashion mags, I can see that there are styles from back in the day, but with a modern twist. I’m not against this, but I do prefer just sinking back into that comforting vintage-bubble bath of a look that is purely from an era.
Out and about, I’ll usually be wearing sequin boots, (very 70s!) and white, satin gloves, when I’m wearing the 1930s mask. It’s a confetti of colours every day.
Here Are My Top Five Looks To Get That Vintage Feel
The 1930s ‘Glamour Girl’ To feel like you’re at a premiere, or drinking cocktails with the stars, you’ll need a fur coat, headband, and little sparkly earrings. Charity shop bought coat meant this style only made me about a tenner out of pocket.

The ‘Hepburner’ Dazzle in the day (and night) with a Hepburn-style floppy hat, streaked eyeliner and cool eyeshadow to match a light coloured coat. Yes, you’ve spotted the white gloves, found in an antiques shop in Dorset – haggled – got for four quid!

A ‘Splash Of Eras’ To get the through-the-years look, you’ll need a bright top, a little flower in the hair, and a long skirt and belt. Cost altogether? Around £30. Not bad.

The ‘Sixties Swinger’ To go back to the dark, edgy, black-eyeliner years, you’ll need a black and white coat like this one (Mine is from Zara) Red beret, and make your eyes smoky.

The ‘Forties Feel-Good Casual-Chic’ One of my absolute favs. Blend your eyes with lots of eyeshadow. Grab some dangly earrings, and then finish off with a jacket and a brooch. You’ll get heads turning. How much? 10 pounds. Again. The jacket was charity shop bought, after all.

My favorite would have to be the Splash of Eras outfit. It’s very cozy and I feel like it’s perfect for autumn. But all the outfits are super cute!!
That is so wonderful to hear!
Perfect piece of writing
Oh wow, thanks, I don’t usually do this kind of style to be honest so waheeee! 🙂
Really loving the blue “splash of eras”! So beautiful!Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much, I love my vintage!