Vintage Clothes? The Way Forward, Ironically…. Here Are My Top Five Favs!


The vintage look is under-rated, under-appreciated, and this is, understandably…. not fair! Recently, I discovered the joy of putting vintage outfits together, everything, ranging from cloches, 60s dresses, 50s jackets, and – one of my personal favourites – the traditional fur coat, (although mine are faux)

I think there’s a lot of judgement in society when it comes to wearing things that are classified as ‘out of the norm’, whether that’s what is ‘IN’ now. Pouring though the fashion mags, I can see that there are styles from back in the day, but with a modern twist. I’m not against this, but I do prefer just sinking back into that comforting vintage-bubble bath of a look that is purely from an era.

Out and about, I’ll usually be wearing sequin boots, (very 70s!) and white, satin gloves, when I’m wearing the 1930s mask. It’s a confetti of colours every day.

Here Are My Top Five Looks To Get That Vintage Feel

The 1930s ‘Glamour Girl’ To feel like you’re at a premiere, or drinking cocktails with the stars, you’ll need a fur coat, headband, and little sparkly earrings. Charity shop bought coat meant this style only made me about a tenner out of pocket.

The ‘Hepburner’ Dazzle in the day (and night) with a Hepburn-style floppy hat, streaked eyeliner and cool eyeshadow to match a light coloured coat. Yes, you’ve spotted the white gloves, found in an antiques shop in Dorset – haggled – got for four quid!

A ‘Splash Of Eras’ To get the through-the-years look, you’ll need a bright top, a little flower in the hair, and a long skirt and belt. Cost altogether? Around £30. Not bad.

The ‘Sixties Swinger’ To go back to the dark, edgy, black-eyeliner years, you’ll need a black and white coat like this one (Mine is from Zara) Red beret, and make your eyes smoky.

The ‘Forties Feel-Good Casual-Chic’ One of my absolute favs. Blend your eyes with lots of eyeshadow. Grab some dangly earrings, and then finish off with a jacket and a brooch. You’ll get heads turning. How much? 10 pounds. Again. The jacket was charity shop bought, after all.

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