Back To School…. Finally!

Drama and Music, Journal, Writing

This blog entry is going to be all about how my first week as an ‘ABA Tutor’ went. I was terrified starting a new job, but I didn’t run away. I wanted to give this a shot, and I’m so glad that I did.

The people there are really friendly, understanding and welcoming. For someone who has never felt at home where she works (aside from the Harry Potter studios) it was a big deal that I fitted in. The low confidence I have doesn’t help matters.

Anyway, it turns out that the school is super accommodating. The kids are chatty and make me laugh, and I quickly found interests that bonded us. Harry Potter, Back to The Future, Disney Channel movies etc. As these are the kind of topics I love, it was so rewarding to talk with those who understood, and didn’t judge my ‘childlike’ personality, because they were just the same as me!

There were a few classes in the week that I didn’t gel with, in particular going back to food tech. Those who know me? You’ll be completely aware of the fact that me and cooking do not mix. I can’t function, it’s like, my brain starts melting.

We also did some maths lessons (which I kind of understood!,) and PE. So funny. I was standing there; shielding my face, just in case a ball hit me. It was so obvious that this wasn’t where my strengths were. The instructor could tell!

No. My forte always lies in English, Drama, and Music. I enjoyed reading to the kids (obviously putting on the voices!) I was teaching words, phrases, giggled away, and pointed for them to listen when attention wavered.

What surprised me the most though was the amount of responsibility that is involved in this role, and how I managed to follow instructions. I never thought I’d be able to. It comes back to the low-confidence thing. In my head, I don’t think I’m good enough for any job, unless it’s writing books. I was able to give orders like ‘It’s time to get your school bag’, and they actually listened to me. 🙂

It felt so good to get my pencil case out again! Oh, the small things. What’s fascinating is that ever since I left my secondary school, I’ve dreamed about being in class/losing homework/performing in drama…. and since I’ve began working in a school, all those dreams have gone. If that wasn’t the Universe telling me I’m on the right track, I don’t know what is.

I just have to hope this is the path I’m supposed to go down, or I’m out of ideas….

It’s early days. I know it is, but something tells me that this is what I’m supposed to be doing, to go alongside my author dreams.

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