Inside which, three bees land on me! (and the heroic Will Worthington returns)

Journal, My Novel

Until yesterday afternoon, I hadn’t written my book for months.

One reason was the job at the autistic school; a real irony, as I cared about the position so much that I wanted to excel there…. then they asked me not to return (Ugggg, why did I bother?)

For more details of my severely-pummeled-confidence, full access is on the blog. It won’t take you long.

Trust me, it really won’t.


The second reason was due to my Mum passing away on the 4th February. I knew that I needed to concentrate on various forms; and became quickly embroiled in phrases that included the words ‘assurances,’ ‘policies’ transfer deeds’ and a host of others.

Now, I love ‘Will Worthington and The Black Rainbow.’ That’s no secret, but I also knew that if I carried on editing it, I might forget something really important to do with her affairs. That couldn’t happen, so I accepted the fact that my book had to wait longer.

I am now looking at the notes again, and it feels so good; like I’m coming home…..

Over the few hours, I wrote and edited new parts of chapters that made the book – hopefully – a lot better. There’s new Kazamir sections. As he’s the villain, this is always a delight. Will has more gallant actions. I won’t say more than that (you’ll have to read it when my dream is finally published out in the world) It felt blissful, my little breather, away from the rubbish that 2020 is already piling on top of us.

During this period, three bees landed on me. They were so sweet, and I hope more join me over the next few days.

I hope to start editing the Word document soon, but I think – while this sun is out – I’m going to embrace that, and write outside in my notebook.

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