New Year 2020 means….. a new room! Naturally…..

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I don’t know about you, but when I hit the 31st December, it’s like my mind automatically goes, “Soon, or now, you must fix your room again, properly. I’m talking the whole works, cleaning, dusting, culling, you name it.” Now? It’s the 2nd of January, and I’ve already managed to finish about 5 percent of […]

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Confession: I’m an overly- obsessive Emmerdalian…. even my cat watches it!

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Despite this new obsession (I have so many in the collection!) I’m not – generally – a girl who likes soaps. Back in the day, I used to catch ‘Eastenders’, and ‘Hollyoaks’, but usually only when a story line grabbed my attention. Hello the Kat, Alfie and Andy drama! I’ll never forget the classic wedding […]

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The Magic of Being a Harry Potter extra…. the best backstage bits! Day One <:) EDITED: FOUND OLD DIARY!

Drama and Music, Writing2 Comments on The Magic of Being a Harry Potter extra…. the best backstage bits! Day One <:) EDITED: FOUND OLD DIARY!

September 2007 ….. Day One in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Euphoria, that’s all I remember feeling. Pure euphoria.  Six oc’lock me and Mum rose from our beds, and then half an hour later- There I was, sat in a car on my way to filming Harry Potter.  The clouds were grey and dull, […]

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Vintage Clothes? The Way Forward, Ironically…. Here Are My Top Five Favs!

Style6 Comments on Vintage Clothes? The Way Forward, Ironically…. Here Are My Top Five Favs!

The vintage look is under-rated, under-appreciated, and this is, understandably…. not fair! Recently, I discovered the joy of putting vintage outfits together, everything, ranging from cloches, 60s dresses, 50s jackets, and – one of my personal favourites – the traditional fur coat, (although mine are faux) I think there’s a lot of judgement in society […]

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Ron and Hermione Are Trapped In The Girls’ Bathroom! (A Sneaky Snippet)

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Please note: The entire franchise of Harry Potter belongs to ©J.K. Rowling and ©Warner Bros. I am not making money from this. Thank you. “If you were listening in class,” lectured Hermione, “Then you’ll know there was not simply one potion, there were four.” She scribbled down the names, and closed her eyes, remembering the […]

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Performing Arts Goals: 2020 (and a little bit of history!)

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Dream it. Wish it. Do it. I’ve always loved performing. If you gave me a situation where I had to either order dinner in a restaurant, or sing to the waiters, I know which I’d pick. Putting on another’s mask is easier (and always has been.) Anyone else like this? I’ll never forget the first […]

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Harry Potter, Sherlock, Emmerdale, Peter Pan…. but not as you know them.

Writing0 Comment on Harry Potter, Sherlock, Emmerdale, Peter Pan…. but not as you know them.

Ever since my secondary school days, I have written fanfiction. For anyone who doesn’t know the term, it’s when you take another author’s characters and make up your own plots. Despite the enjoyment, writing original stories is often a tough, mental slog. It takes planning, editing, and research. When you’ve had enough of the hard […]

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