Nutty introduction, right? Don’t worry, I’ll fill you in later. Tonight’s entry is going to be all about my rollercoaster emotions when it comes to jobs, the highs, the lows, the in-betweens and the alien-like times where I’ve felt confident and proud in what I’ve brought to the world of work. A few months back, […]
Continue ReadingThe storm has not passed, but at least there’s colour in the clouds
It’s been a hard month, a really hard month, and I know, with 100% certainty, that the emotions will keep whirling inside me for a long time. On a later post, I’ll actually be in more of a state to share what’s happened. For now, getting out my feelings on here will have to do. […]
Continue ReadingIt’s not just raining inside my head, it’s a f****** storm, and everything is flying at me….
As you’ve probably noticed, this entry is not going to be one filled with glittery unicorns, chocolate sauce poured over ice cream or any other kind of positive image. Oh well. I have to tell the truth on my blog, and the truth is that I have never felt so utterly alone….not in the outside […]
Continue Reading“Fairy Liquid should be a perfume!” said nobody in the world ever (unless you’re called Rachel Brooker)
I’ve always thought washing up liquid should be a fragrance they sell in shops. …. I’ve also always thought I should walk into ‘Dragons Den,’ pitching the idea.…. Needless to say? Those two events never happened, and when I told most of my friends about these ideas, they would look at me like I’d just […]
Continue ReadingFalling down the Rabbit Hole
Hello, guys. It’s been a week since my life turned upside down, inside out, and fallen down the rabbit hole into a matrix-like reality. Again, this is not a portal in which I am going to explain what’s happened, but I will be voicing my thoughts in terms of metaphor. Why have I chosen The […]
Continue ReadingFeeling Flat? Jazz along to Fleetwood Mac, and you’re a lot braver than you believe….
Hello, guys. I know it’s been a while, but I’ve had a very difficult time lately. It’s one of those weeks where you ask questions like, “Why did this/that happen?” “When will this feeling leave me?” I’ve had a lot of things going on, and my love of writing is aching to – as ‘High […]
Continue ReadingImposter Syndrome is spreading. Don’t be the victim! Be vigilant.
The power of imagination is a gift. It can also be a virus. Let me give you an example. Starting this new job has been wonderful. After all, I have a role that helps children. I’m reading to them, teaching them new words. In the week? I explained about the magic of books (as one […]
Continue ReadingThe Golden Egg ball? A bouquet of opulence, and a new lit agent liked my book!
I always get the jitters when it’s nearly time to – once again – parade around the Big Honk venue. I’m not saying where it’s based, as the event is hush-hush online, but I will say that some mega important faces attend this canape-crazy catch-up-with-friends-and-make-new-ones mish mash of an exciting black tie extravanganza. (Wow, now […]
Continue ReadingThe Secret To Success: Earn it. Enjoy it, and if it’s easy, where’s the challenge?
Yesterday, I had a mini meltdown. The competition for ‘The Golden Egg Academy’ ball always involves writing a pitch, and if you’re selected, there’s a chance to read your pitch aloud to lit agents, publishers, and everyone else in the room. I have now entered twice, and lost twice. It’s always a punch to the […]
Continue ReadingMoney is not a piggy bank for happiness, merely a tool for comfortable living!
My attitude has changed a lot towards the humble pound coin. I used to be a ‘sort of’ shopaholic. Not now. Ever since I’ve had this new job, the attitude – and my buying of things – has instantly shifted. Why? I’m not entirely sure, but I think it could have something to do with […]
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